عاجل لعملاء iMobie: يجب اتخاذ الإجراء اللازم للحصول على 3 أشهر إضافية مجانية من البرنامج

تحسين تجربة iTunes الخاصة بك كما لم يحدث من قبل

يوفر لك iTunes مكانًا رائعًا للحصول على ملفات الوسائط وتنظيمها والاستمتاع بها. عندما يعمل AnyTrans مع iTunes، فإنه يعمل على ترقية تجربتك إلى حد كبير، ويجعل كل شيء أسهل بكثير وأكثر كفاءة. يمكنك مشاركة الموسيقى المفضلة لديك على جميع الأجهزة، ومشاهدة الأفلام والبرامج التلفزيونية دون الاتصال بالإنترنت في أي مكان، وإنشاء نغمات رنين مخصصة لـ iPhone في بضع خطوات، وعمل نسخة احتياطية واستعادة فقط ما تريده علىiPhone ، وما إلى ذلك. فقط استمتع بتجربة أفضل على iTunes باستخدام AnyTrans.

هل تعرف ماذا يحدث عندما تجمع بين iTunes وAnyTrans؟


نغمة الرنين




الكتب الصوتية/البودكاست

نسخ احتياطي/استعادة

أندرويد إلى جهاز iOS

استمتع إلى الموسيقى بدون قيود او حدود عكس برنامج ايتونز
  iTunes AnyTrans iTunes + AnyTrans
Find Music Search & purchase music in iTunes Store Download music from YouTube and other 1000+ sites Enjoy a universe of music
Sync Music to iPhone Sync music only from a single iTunes library to iPhone Drag and drop music from any computer and multiple iTunes libraries to iPhone Enrich your iPhone music collection as you like
Export Music from iPhone to Computer Export iPhone music to computer or iTunes library Rebuild and enrich iTunes library with one click
Transfer/Share Music from iPhone to iPhone Transfer music and playlists from one iPhone to another Enjoy your favorite music on new iPhone and share with friends easily
تعيين نغمة رنين ايفون بأغنيتك المفضلة وإدارتها
  iTunes AnyTrans iTunes + AnyTrans
Create & Add Custom Tones Make and add ringtones or text tones to iPhone in a circuitous way Create ringtones or text tones with drag & drop, and save them straight to iPhone Personalize your iPhone with your unique ringtone
Share Custom Tones Between iPhones Transfer your favorite tones from one iPhone to another Take your favorite tones to new iPhone
Manage Tones Library Remove custom tones from iPhone Transfer tones between iPhone and computer, and remove unwanted tones from iPhone/computer Enrich your tones libraries on both iPhone and computer, and keep them tidy as well
الاستمتاع بمقاطع الفيديو المفاضلة ومشاركتها
  iTunes AnyTrans iTunes + AnyTrans
Find Videos Search and purchase movies and TV shows in iTunes Store Download videos from YouTube and other 1000+ sites A world of videos are right at your hand
Sync Videos to iPhone Sync videos only from one single iTunes library to iPhone Drag and drop videos from any computer and multiple iTunes libraries to iPhone Enjoy your favorite videos on the go
Convert Videos to An iOS Compatible Format Automatically convert any videos to an iOS supported format during transfer Watch any videos you like on iPhone
Export Videos from iPhone to Computer Export all types of videos from iPhone to computer or iTunes library Better immerse yourself with videos on a bigger screen
Transfer/Share Videos Between iPhones Transfer videos directly from one iPhone to another It’s a breeze to share videos with friends and family
نقل الصور إلى مكان تريد لحفظها
  iTunes AnyTrans iTunes + AnyTrans
Export Photos from iPhone to Computer Export photos from camera roll only Export both camera roll photos and synced photos by category, as well as albums you created Keep a safe and well-organized backup of iPhone photos on computer
HEIC to JPG Export and convert HEIC photos to JPGs Take HEIC photos without worrying about compatibility issues
Sync Photos to iPhone Sync all photos in a folder from computer to iPhone without choice Import the entire folder or just certain photos, as you prefer Keep only what you need to save precious iPhone storage
Transfer/Share Photos Between iPhones Transfer any photos you want from one iPhone to another Take your photos always with you or easily share with friends and family
نسخ احتياطي من التطبيقات وإدارتها على الكمبيوتر
  iTunes AnyTrans iTunes + AnyTrans
Back Up Apps Not available since iTunes 12.7 Save both current and previous versions of Apps locally for backup Never worry about an app being removed from the App Store or needing a downgrade
Download Apps Not available since iTunes 12.7 Download once and install on as many iOS devices as you want Save you a huge amount of bandwidth and time
Install/Update Apps Not available since iTunes 12.7 Install or update all apps in bulk with one click No more tedious one-by-one clicks
Arrange iPhone Apps Not available since iTunes 12.7 Smartly categorize apps in one click or easily arrange apps with drag & drop on the big screen of computer Keep your iPhone home screens tidy in no effort
Back Up / Restore Home Screen Layouts Not available since iTunes 12.7 Back up home screen layouts and restore the desired one anytime in a click The home screen layout you like is just a tap away
مشاركة الكتب الصوتية/البودكاست مع أصدقائك بسهولة
  iTunes AnyTrans iTunes + AnyTrans
Get Audiobooks & Podcasts Purchase audiobooks and podcasts in iTunes Store Purchase once and enjoy on all your Apple devices
Sync from PC/Mac to iPhone Sync purchased audiobooks & podcasts Transfer downloaded or imported audiobooks and podcasts Enjoy any audiobooks and podcasts you like on the go
Export to Computer Transfer purchased audiobooks and podcasts from iPhone to iTunes library Export non-purchased audiobooks and podcasts from iPhone to computer or iTunes library Access what you like on computer and enrich your iTunes library
Share Between iPhones Share audiobooks and podcasts from one iPhone to another Feel free to share your favorites with friends and family
نسخ احتياطي للايفون واستعادته في أفضل طريقة
  iTunes AnyTrans iTunes + AnyTrans
Content in Backups Check here Everything iTunes backups include + imported Photos/Videos + Music + Movies + TV Shows + Podcasts + Ringtones + iTunes U + Audiobooks Keep a more complete backup of iPhone
Backup Modes Full Backup Full Backup / Incremental Backup / Air Backup Feel free to choose the backup mode you like
Backup History Maintain a history of backups and make them browsable Quickly go back to any specific backup and recover deleted data
Schedule Automatic Backups Set up backup schedule as your preferred frequency Enjoy the convenience of automatic and timely backups
Preview Backups Preview the backup before restore, making sure it contains what you need No more blind restore
Restore from Backups Full restore Full restore or selective restore of what you want only Flexible restore options for your different demands
نقل البيانات من جهاز Android إلى جهاز iOS
  iTunes AnyTrans iTunes + AnyTrans
Transferable Data Messages, photos, videos, contacts, call logs, music, ringtones, ebooks, calendars, and more files Bring all memories & essentials with you
Transfer Modes Move everything in a click or just transfer specific items you want, as you prefer Save a huge amount of time in transition and storage on iPhone
Convert Videos & Music Convert videos and music to iOS compatible formats automatically Enjoy your favorite media files seamlessly on iPhone
Data Safety No need to factory reset iPhone before migration, and never erase existing data during transfer Never lose a single piece of data

احصل على AnyTrans®

احصل على طريقة سهلة لإدارة جميع المحتويات الموجودة في iPhone أو iPad أو iPod أو iTunes أو iCloud أو الكمبيوتر ونقلها إلى أي مكان تريد. يجعل AnyTrans تجربتك على iPhone أو iPad أكثر متعة وسهولة.

تنزيلات وعدد


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بناء على 7889 تقييم

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