Tech Specs

System Requirements

Minimum Specs
Recommended Specs
Operating System
Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7
Windows 11/10
No hardware requirements.
8G internal storage and above. Intel i3 10th generation and above. NVIDIA 1650 graphics and above.
Minimum Specs
Recommended Specs
Operating System
macOS 14/13/12/11/10.15/10.14/10.13
macOS 14/13
Note: An audio driver is required to install for system audio recording if your macOS is lower than 13.

Supported Languages

Update History

    Version: 1.0.0
  • Record 4K, 60FPS videos without lagging.
  • Dedicated voice and webcam recording in one click.
  • No time limit for screen recording.
  • No watermark or customized watermark on the recorded files.
  • Real-time reduction of background noise.